Thank you for donating and for supporting
my 100 000 km walk for mental health!

Donate a Medicine

Band aid / Pleister
5 euro 
What is it worth? Two cups of tea

Antibiotics /Antibiotica
10 euro
What is it Worth? Two cups of tea and I donate 1 meal to the homeless

Painkiller / Pijnstiller
20 euro
What is it worth? A breakfast and I donate 2 meals to the homeless

Touch of Heart / Een aanraking vanuit het hart 
40 euro 
What is it worth? A full bag of groceries and I donate 4 meals to the homeless

Tranquilizer / Relaxmiddel
65 euro
What is it worth? A few days of care with food and needs and I donate 8 meals to the homeless

Healthy Lifestyle / Gezonde levensstijl 
100 euro
What is it worth? A whole week of care with food and needs and I donate 15 meals to the homeless

Of course any other donation is more then welcome!

For all donations I want to thank you from my heart!

I will continue walking and I will continue to increase awareness for mental health.

I will pick up litter when I can and I will continue to support the homeless and last

but not least, I will continue to provide you with online content during my 

100 000 km walk for mental health!



« Be the change you want to see in your world »

options to send a donation

paypal: info@walkingisthebestmedicine
Mark Verdonschot