Hello, my name is Mark Verdonschot and I believe that wisdom is doing!
I walk 100 000 km for mental health
My life in short: ups and downs, black and white thinking and the feeling of not belonging anywhere…
I enjoy life and I hate it. I have a lot of struggles and I don’t have a lot of struggles.
Almost all my life I experienced a lot of troubles, anxieties, depressions, addictions and struggles with myself, my emotions, other people, society and with life in general.
My life came many times at a point that I was in a very bad place with myself and my environment.
After many attempts in my life, I almost gave up! I gave up on walking, myself, others and the world.
This whole journey started in 2020, and there are a lot of ups and downs in between!
But I found some spirit again and it is time to do what I have to do: complete my mission, walking and bring inspiration to you, me and others!

I have a lot of experiences with dealing with life. I have wisdom and a lot of love to share with the world. I have a story to tell and I have some missions. I learned a lot about and from walking, meditation, self development, a natural lifestyle and being in the moment. But I even learned more from all the bad and sad moments I have been trough in my life!
Since I walked many kilometers in my life, I really know the power of walking and what it can do for me, you and others! Walking was and is for me the best medicine. Through many ups and downs this wisdom comes back to me all the time.
Let’s walk this journey together!
I really believe that if I can do this after everything I’ve been through, that you can do it too!